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  • .substring()
  • .toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase()
  • .includes()
  • .toString()
  • Math.round(num1 / num2)
  • .toFixed(int)
  • .shift() - removes the first element of array
  • .pop() - removes the last element of array
  • .push(Object) - adds an element to array
  • obj datatype
  • var x { 1: "A", 2: "B", 3: "C", }
            var person_one = {
                name: "Yeongsu Kim",
                age: 15,
                classes: {1: "Honors Humanities", 2: "AP Chemistry", 3: "AP Calculus AB", 4: "AP World History", 5: "AP Computer Science Principles"},
                interests: ["Music", "Video Games", "Candy", "Basketball"],
                favorite_songs: ["Brahms Violin Concerto", "Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto", "Tchaikovsky Symphony no.5"],
            # Creates a variable object that represents a person. This is for future integrations for including users in the passion project.
            # prints original object
            person_one["birthday"] = "July 23, 2008"; # creates a birthday attribute
            person_one.interests.push("Computer Programming"); # adds a new interest into the interests array
            person_one.favorite_songs.push("Organ Symphony"); # adds a new song to the favorite_songs array
            console.log(person_one); #prints the modified object
            if(person_one.num_games == 0 || person_one.num_wins == 0) # this checks if there might be an error because of the division by Zero error.
                console.log("Win Percentage: 0%");
            else{ #This actually calculates the win percentage based on games won and games played.
                console.log("Win Percentage: " + (person_one.num_wins/person_one.num_games).toFixed(2)*100 + "%");
            console.log(typeof person_one); #prints type of person one object
            console.log(typeof person_one.name); # prints type of the name attribute 
            console.log(typeof person_one.age); # prints type of age attribute
            console.log(typeof person_one.interests); # prints type of interests attribute
